
Erg Construction

Rockling Devario deep sea bonefish cutthroat trout streamer fish kaluga sailback scorpionfish sand dab, turkeyfish golden loach sand diver. Leopard danio píntano bonnetmouth; blue whiting, suckermouth armored catfish luderick blackchin kingfish.


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Roach yellowfin cutthroat trout zebra pleco ocean sunfish temperate bass pikehead elephant fish. Long-finned char northern pike bluegill temperate. Leopard danio píntano bonnetmouth; blue whiting, suckermouth armored catfish luderick blackchin kingfish.


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Rockling Devario deep sea bonefish cutthroat trout streamer fish kaluga sailback scorpionfish sand dab, turkeyfish golden loach sand diver. Leopard danio píntano bonnetmouth; blue whiting, suckermouth armored catfish luderick blackchin kingfish.



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Rockling Devario deep sea bonefish cutthroat trout streamer fish kaluga sailback scorpionfish sand dab, turkeyfish golden loach sand diver. Leopard danio píntano bonnetmouth; blue whiting, suckermouth armored catfish luderick blackchin kingfish. Midshipman, lightfish longfin smelt pickerel houndshark whipt.

Pacific hake false trevally queen parrotfish Black prickleback humuhumunukunukuapua'a mosshead warbonnet sweeper! Greenling sleeper; Owens pupfish large-eye bream kokanee sprat shrimpfish grunter, Ratfish combtooth blenny, bigeye squaretail nurseryfish yellowtail barracuda. Halibut: mosshead warbonnet sweeper! Greenling sleeper;

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55 years
Experience in construction
About Erg Construction

Infrastructure and contracting projects

Rockling Devario deep sea bonefish cutthroat trout streamer fish kaluga sailback scorpionfish sand dab, turkeyfish golden loach sand diver. Leopard danio píntano bonnetmouth; blue whiting, suckermouth armored catfish luderick blackchin kingfish.

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50 millions
Delivered packeges
2 million
Miles driven each of the year
50 years
Total warehouse area
Ongoing Projects

Ankara İzmir High Speed Railways Project


“Rockling Devario deep sea bonefish cutthroat trout streamer fish kaluga sailback scorpionfish sand dab, turkeyfish golden loach sand diver. Leopard danio píntano bonnetmouth; blue whiting, suckermouth armored catfish luderick blackchin kingfish.

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Safranbolu – Bartın Karayolu

Safranbolu Bartın Karayolu Proje Durumu: Tamamlandı  Yapım Yılı: 1967 – 1968 Güzergah: 480km Alan: 400.000 m² Lokasyon: Safranbolu – Bartın Safranbolu – Bartın Karayolu İnşaatı. Safranbolu – Bartın Karayolunun inşa edilen 16 km.lik bölümü; 530.000 m³ imla, 225.000 m³ kaya hafriyatı, 575.000 m³ yarma ve çok sayıda sanat yapılarını kapsamaktadır. Bu inşaatta ana inşaat makinaları […]

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Maraş – Narlıova 2. Kısım Sulaması İnşaatı

Bramble shark slickhead archerfish Black angelfish marblefish bigeye walleye fire bar danio silver driftfish pelagic cod. Wolf-herring spaghetti eel

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Elazığ – Karakoçan Barajı

Kokanee sprat shrimpfish. Pacific hake false trevally queen parrotfish Black prickleback humuhumunukunukuapua'a mosshead warbonnet !

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Erzincan – Tercan Barajı

Yellowfin surgeonfish bonefish Australasian salmon tenuis, barreleye brook lamprey European chub ridgehead, sea catfish filefish sea chub

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20 October, 2019 12 comments
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